Our Programs
Have a need? Call Love INC.
The first thing you’ll hear is the voice of a caring, well equipped volunteer from one of our partner churches. A volunteer who will take the time to listen and care for you; who will inquire about the presenting need, but also explore the broader context of your situation. Everything we do revolves around relationships because Love INC isn’t just about meeting needs, it’s about meeting people where they are at, and helping them achieve their God-given potential. Here are a few of the ways we do that in our community.
Looking For Assistance?
Connect With A Volunteer
Connect To Resources
How We Can Help
Connection Center
The Love INC Connection Center takes many requests for help each year. These calls are answered by caring volunteers who listen to understand people’s situations and direct them to the most appropriate source of help. This can mean a referral to an area agency or services provided by area churches and volunteers through the Connection Center.
Are you facing an obstacle and looking for support? Call us at 330-391-4802 or fill out the form below.
Wheels of Love
Community and Church Resources
Prayer Requests
Prayer is an integral part of who we are. Before we start our day, our meetings, or answer any phone calls… we pray. This gives God the opportunity to guide us on what He wants us to do. And we’re never disappointed. Would you like someone to pray for or with you? Give us a call at 330-391-4802 or submit your prayer request here.